Momentum Restart Podcast
Are you a woman who runs the world, but know you need a little support too? Listen up. Through coaching clients and pursuing my own health and ambitions - I found getting to a goal takes more than just willpower. It takes a MINDSET RESTART and learning how to Adjust, and not Quit. In this podcast, you’ll hear from women out there leading the way in momentum AND I’ll be sharing impactful mindset strategies to help you get out of your own way. Whether you are on a health journey, starting your life after a big change, or just trying to keep up momentum towards your passion project with all the ups and downs - this is for you. It’s time to decrease the things that hold you back and increase the things that move you forward towards the life that you want. Connect with me:IG: https://www.instagram.com/coachamberb/Website: https://www.coachamberb.com/
Momentum Restart Podcast
Getting Your Head Ready for Successful Planning
Imagine unlocking the secrets to not just meeting, but exceeding your most ambitious goals. Today I'm inviting you to discover the art of forging a path to success through strategic foresight and a robust mindset. We lay bare our personal vision-casting experiences, demonstrating the transformative impact it has on setting the stage for triumph. You'll be equipped with tactics to craft a 90-day action plan that's both audacious and grounded in reality, accommodating the twists and turns of life without losing sight of your aspirations.
This episode is perfect for anyone seeking structure or those who consider themselves planning aficionados. I'll take you through the nitty-gritty of how I meticulously mapped my year to inspire your own approach to planning.
In this episode, I talk about the following:
1. The value of recognizing and assessing your capacity before planning.
2. The importance of practicing long-term visioning.
3. How choosing a word for the year can guide your decision-making.
✨ 90 Day Planner & Journal to help you get out of your own way and build momentum.
✨ 90 Day Done-For-You Planning & Momentum Restart Coaching: You dream it, and Coach Amber B will help you create the plan that you need to make it happen. This is for you if you love a good plan and are ready to put it into action on your own. You are ready to get in the nitty gritty of your business and check off the weekly action steps. You value personal growth & know that there is power in learning new tools for productivity and retraining your mindset to adjust, and not quit.
✨ PRIVATE COACHING with Amber B through her MOMENTUM RESTART® method: together curated 3-6 month packages focusing on launch mode and business growth, ceo confidence, work/life wellness, or all three. With the highest touchpoint you will achieve results faster when zeroing in on building the life and business you want.
Are you a woman who runs the world but know you need a little support to Listen up? Through coaching clients and pursuing my own health and ambitions, I've found getting to a goal takes more than just willpower. It takes a mindset restart and learning how to adjust and not quit. In this podcast, you'll hear from women out there leading the way in momentum, and I'll be sharing impactful mindset strategies to help you get out of your own way. Whether you're on a health journey, starting your life after a big change or trying to keep up momentum towards your passion project, with all the ups and downs, this is for you. It's time to decrease the things that hold you back and increase the things that move you forward towards a life that you want. I'm Amber Bebelheimer, and this is the Momentum Restart Podcast. This is Momentum Restart Podcast. I'm your host, coach, amber B. We're going to dive in and get your head ready for successful planning. If you're listening, I can assume that you most likely either want and desire and just crave, more structure and plan that feels better to you, or you're someone who loves planning. Either one of those. I can help you today when I am working with clients and planning out their 90 days at a time. Here are a few things that I encourage them to do beforehand to make sure that they're showing up and can make the most of their time. I want to maximize your time, my client's time, my time, because it's so limited. We have so many things on our plates. If you're a working mom like me, you have a lot of balls in the air each day that you're juggling when you are planning, or when you're taking aside time to meet with a mentor or a coach, or you're sitting down with a Momentum Restart planner and you're planning out your week. Let's make it efficient and let's make the most out of it. Here are a few things that you can do, whether you're just planning today and figuring out what your top three things are you're going to be doing today and working through the planner and journal, or if you're preparing for a 90 day action plan with me coming up for this next month.
Speaker 1:Last week, I had the opportunity to do exactly what we're talking through now With my friend and cohost of the Restart Collective Retreats, jennifer Seiss. She flew up here. We had a couple of days where we were meeting with some amazing clients who we really dearly love, and we had a few days with them, but beforehand we set aside time for ourselves. This is huge if you are a coach or especially if you're in the service provider world or really any entrepreneur can feel this where you're working in your business every day and it's hard to set aside time to work on your business. We're really practicing this year and I've created a page in my phone for this notes to remember.
Speaker 1:When I'm telling someone else to do something, when I'm coaching a client towards planning or setting aside time or doing the things I'm going to share with you today, I have to do them myself. One because I know they're going to work, and two because I've seen it over time. I've seen it working. And two because if I'm going to encourage someone else to do something, I better be showing up and doing it myself as well. So we set aside two days and the first day we just vision casted. This is a beautiful opportunity where you don't have distractions, you're shutting out the noise and you're really allowing yourself to dream past the to-do list, past that list of X, y, z here are all the things I need to do and instead you have a chance to dream and a chance to feel into it. That's so important to have before you start planning. So really shutting out the noise, taking your time to really process and lean into who you wanna be. The second day was when we got the markers ready and up on the white marker board. We planned out every month of the year for both my business Momentum Restart and Jennifer's business and also planning all of our intensives and retreats for the year and just seeing how they all work together. And here are a few key things that we also used when we were working through this process as well. So before I had that time away to plan, it felt so good to know it was coming.
Speaker 1:But instead of waiting until the day of, here's a couple of things you can do. One is look at your capacity, and what I mean by that is whether you're planning the whole year or just today. Look at what your capacity is, what you feel able to do and this is with no judgment at all, because there are different days where we're able to do different things, based on how we feel in our body, where we're at in our cycle, what our kids are up to, what's happening in the industry, there's vacations that happen, there's things that are on our schedule and that are happening around us and in us. That are just gonna be a part of life. If we plan our day or our business without really considering that it's, you're gonna be feeling like you're just running in place or you're hitting a brick wall. So look at what your capacity is For this example today, let's imagine you're planning 90 days.
Speaker 1:So if you're planning 90 days, I always encourage clients to tell me before they meet with me and look at their calendar and look at when do you have vacations coming up, when do you have some special holidays, some family birthdays or maybe some there's Valentine's Day tomorrow when I'm recording this some special things that you wanna be able to not be maxed out on those days you wanna have space to be able to enjoy your people or enjoy time with yourself. So put those on the calendar first, know your capacity, know where your energy level is, and then we're gonna plan around that. So that's the very first step Before planning to get your head ready is look at your capacity without judgment and instead just as a data point. Then you can build on there and fill in the holes. Number two is to lift your heads up from the weeds and look ahead five years from now. This is a really big part of a 90 day planning session. Yes, we're planning 90 days, but you'd be surprised at how much of our hour and a half call goes into visualizing your five year you. Because once you really know her and you know what lights you up and what you want out of your life and what your values are and priorities are, the planning part for 90 days becomes easy. After that it's really allowing yourself the space to visualize what you want your life to look like five years from now. And if you can spend a little bit of time imagining that before you sit down to plan, you're gonna be able to make decisions faster because you're gonna hold up tasks, ideas, actions, events and be able to hold them to the five year vision of you and say does this match? Does this help me get there? If not, we're gonna throw it out and if it does, we're gonna figure out how to make it happen.
Speaker 1:The third step is to choose your word for the year or have a word for those 90 days. One word if you haven't listened to the two episodes a few weeks back, with Alexa Howell, we talk through how to choose your word for the year. Having one word can be really helpful in making decisions and using it as a filter Same idea as using the visualizing of the five-year U. We want these filters to help you make decisions faster, because how many of us can relate to having an idea or dream or project that we're working on but then feeling bogged down with the tasks and to-dos and not knowing where to start? These things that you're setting up for yourself, that visualizing your five years from now, having that word of how you want to feel, those things are going to help you make the decisions of what action steps you want to take and which ones are needed faster. And when you're able to make those decisions faster, your planning process becomes a lot more enjoyable and it becomes much more efficient.
Speaker 1:You're not going back and forth and waffling, so choosing a word and I asked clients how do you want to feel 90 days from now too? So let's look at the end of 90 days, because it might be different every 90. I choose a word for myself every week, sometimes when I'm feeling like I'm in the mud and there's just a lot going on around me. I have to really break it down and use these steps every day and I ask myself in the morning how do I want to feel when my head hits the pillow tonight? And then I go backwards from there. So, wherever you're at, using that word and that intention really helps you make decisions faster and set those intentions more clearly.
Speaker 1:And the fourth thing is to get quiet. Get quiet so that you can be undistracted and actually feel into these questions. So not only these prior to planning making sure that you're quiet enough, you have space enough and you're setting aside time where you're by yourself for a good 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 15, looking at your capacity, visualizing your five years from now, choosing your word and really feeling into how you want to feel. But also if you're in a planning session, whether that's a 90 day call with me or if you're meeting up with me and Jennifer this year to be able to plan through on a 2-on-1 intensive or retreat when you're undistracted, then you have a chance to feel into the plan that you're making and notice if something doesn't feel right or if something doesn't feel like it's landing. And then you're not just putting tasks on a piece of paper because they look good. Instead, you're really considering how do you feel about these things.
Speaker 1:So, after we did our planning last week, I have allowed some space for myself to really feel into the plan and know that I can make adjustments this week and there were a few things that I needed tweaking, because in the moment we can plan things, but then allow yourself that space before, during and after to feel into it. And maybe there's a piece of it that's keeping you up at night and you're thinking, okay, I need to make sure I'm doing XYZ this year because it's going to, if I don't, it's going to keep me up at night, those types of things. So we have to get undistracted. We have to carve out time to be undistracted and if you have a lot on your plate, if you are working face-to-face with clients, or if you are a working mom and you have all these different things that you're juggling, find a way to get quiet.
Speaker 1:If that's waking up early to journal work through the momentum restart planner in journal, or whether that's having a few minutes in the evening or taking a break during the day for a walk, allow yourself to feel into these questions and if you have a hard time doing that, know that. That's why I'm here is to help you set aside time to really feel into these questions and dig deeper. So that is exactly what having a coach and a mentor and a strategic planner on the calendar with you does. It helps you set aside that time. You know we're gonna be meeting at a certain time. You know there's gonna be an hour and a half where you're gonna be undistracted and you know that you're gonna be asked a lot of great questions. That's gonna give you a lot of amazing perspective. So if you're having a hard time making that happen for yourself, that's totally normal and that's why I'm here. So reach out and we can figure out what's the great step for you to be able to help you get that undistracted time. Maybe it's a quick 30 minute momentum call to really just get the ball rolling. Maybe it's a 90 day action plan, or maybe you wanna fly up to Minneapolis and meet myself and Jennifer here for a couple of days to fully plan out your whole year. Whatever it is, I'm here for you and that is a pull that is so powerful is to be able to set aside the time, knowing you've gotta show up and I will help walk you through the rest.
Speaker 1:Now, if you're planning today or you're planning for the next 90 days, remember those four steps before you jump in. Look at your capacity first. Visualize yourself five years from now. Have a word that you can use as a filter and make sure before, during and after you have time to be quiet and undistracted so you can feel into those questions. And if you want some questions to really ask yourself and get yourself thinking more about what direction you wanna be headed in or how things are going for you, listen back to last week's episode, the weekly growth questions to ask yourself, and that's a really great place to start too and that can really get the ball rolling for you on your own.
Speaker 1:Reach out to me. I'd love to hear you on Instagram at Coach Amber B, and I would love to hear how your planning is going and which one of these you're gonna try first If you're gonna look at your capacity, visualize five years, choose a word or get quiet, which is a new one that you're gonna add today Happy planning. Thank you for listening to this episode of Momentum Restart Podcast. I would love to hear what you think about it. What were your takeaways? What action steps do you now want to take? Dm me on Instagram at Coach Amber B and let's keep this conversation going. I promise I respond to every message I get. Talk with you soon.