Momentum Restart Podcast
Are you a woman who runs the world, but know you need a little support too? Listen up. Through coaching clients and pursuing my own health and ambitions - I found getting to a goal takes more than just willpower. It takes a MINDSET RESTART and learning how to Adjust, and not Quit. In this podcast, you’ll hear from women out there leading the way in momentum AND I’ll be sharing impactful mindset strategies to help you get out of your own way. Whether you are on a health journey, starting your life after a big change, or just trying to keep up momentum towards your passion project with all the ups and downs - this is for you. It’s time to decrease the things that hold you back and increase the things that move you forward towards the life that you want. Connect with me:IG: https://www.instagram.com/coachamberb/Website: https://www.coachamberb.com/
Momentum Restart Podcast
Find Balance in Your Work, Life, and Family
Imagine unlocking the secret to a balanced life where work and family coexist in harmony. That's exactly what we're bringing to the table as we unpack the hidden impact of micro-stressors and offer you tangible strategies to fend them off.
With a focus on setting firm boundaries, smart schedule organization, and optimizing your environment, this episode is a guidebook for working mothers who feel the pull of career and home with equal intensity. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional seeking more balance, this episode is your invitation to a more intentional and fulfilling life.
In this episode, I talk about the following:
1. The importance of improving boundaries, schedule, and environment.
2. Setting realistic goals based on capacity.
3. Cultivating a mindset of momentum and self-care in achieving balance.
✨ 90 Day Planner & Journal to help you get out of your own way and build momentum.
✨ 90 Day Done-For-You Planning & Momentum Restart Coaching: You dream it, and Coach Amber B will help you create the plan that you need to make it happen. This is for you if you love a good plan and are ready to put it into action on your own. You are ready to get in the nitty gritty of your business and check off the weekly action steps. You value personal growth & know that there is power in learning new tools for productivity and retraining your mindset to adjust, and not quit.
✨ PRIVATE COACHING with Amber B through her MOMENTUM RESTART® method: together curated 3-6 month packages focusing on launch mode and business growth, ceo confidence, work/life wellness, or all three. With the highest touchpoint you will achieve results faster when zeroing in on building the life and business you want.
Are you a woman who runs the world but know you need a little support to Listen up? Through coaching clients and pursuing my own health and ambitions, I've found getting to a goal takes more than just willpower. It takes a mindset restart and learning how to adjust and not quit. In this podcast, you'll hear from women out there leading the way in momentum, and I'll be sharing impactful mindset strategies to help you get out of your own way. Whether you're on a health journey, starting your life after a big change or trying to keep up momentum towards your passion project, with all the ups and downs, this is for you. It's time to decrease the things that hold you back and increase the things that move you forward towards a life that you want. I'm Amber Bebelheimer, and this is the Momentum Restart Podcast. This is Momentum Restart Podcast. I'm your host, coach Amber Be, and we're going to talk about finding balance between your work, family and the life. It is possible.
Speaker 1:I have some amazing stories today to share with you, and recently I read an article in the Harvard Business Reviews Special Issue. It was such a good one. I read it on the flight to Atlanta for working some one-on-one with some clients for the week, and it captivated me because the cover said how to lead when exhausted. And it had this article that talked about micro-stressers. We all know the big stressors, those big things where we know something big happens. It's a big stress, it adds to our plate. But what about those micro-stressers? For every one of us, this is true, and especially for the working mom it's those little micro-stressers that we may be able to just push through or get through that day, but they all start adding up. And how these little micro-stresses over time, in work, in our family or in our life these little micro-stresses add up over time and can impact our health, they can impact our relationships, they can impact our focus. And so today I'm going to start up right off the bat and tell you how you can bring more balance and, in turn, be able to manage and combat those micro-stressers so that you can feel balanced and at peace and healthy while you're juggling all these amazing things that you've been given in your life.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to start right away just by telling you what those three areas are. It's focusing on how to improve three main areas to find balance. What if you want balance? You can get there by focusing on your boundaries, your schedule and your environment. So, instead of putting all of our thoughts energy on the thing that's stressing us out, let's talk about how you can improve your boundaries, whether that's with clients or yourself, or family or friends or school activities. Your schedule let's talk about what your work and life schedule looks like. Are there ways that you can streamline things, ways you can cut back, ways you can make it so it doesn't feel like you're switching from one task to another all the time? And let's talk about your environment. What does your desk look like? What does your desk look like if you work from home or if you work at an office? What does your room look like when you get up in the morning and you get ready to get dressed? What are your goals, factors, our environment, our schedule, our boundaries they set up a runway for our life and, if we can have them in a way that's going to help us handle these micro stressors, in a way that doesn't take as big of a toll on us and instead allows us to be able to handle them, process them in a healthy way and still be able to move forward and adjust and not quit, like we talked about last week in the episode. If you haven't listened to it yet, go back and listen to how working moms adjust and not quit when you're able to focus on these three areas and set up that runway in a way that allows you to keep moving forward in life while still taking care of yourself. The space that you're creating helps you to rest, helps you to connect, helps you to get those workouts in or make that new meal or go on a date or have a beach day in the middle of the week with your kids this summer. It just makes space for you to have life while you're also working and running a family.
Speaker 1:In preparation for the soon-to-be launched momentum restart program for working moms, I asked a grad student of the momentum restart. She's gone through the accelerator almost two years ago. She's still living these tools today. I asked her what her biggest takeaway was from going through the program. Ultimately, I asked her why she decided to go through it, why she started to work with me in the momentum restart. She already had a solid business in place Meanwhile.
Speaker 1:She was working all the time and she wanted so badly to get launching this new business that she had been building behind the scenes. It was a business that she was more passionate about one that would create more space in her life so she could spend more time with their kids, so that she could take care of herself. Because she had found herself in a place where she was working so much, so many more hours than she wanted. She was finding herself sick often. She told me that she knew what to do. She had her plan for her new business to launch. She knew what to do. She even had the strategy and launch plan ready, but she needed help in making it happen in a way that also got her feeling healthy again and balanced and ultimately able to be the mom that she wanted to be. She said it best. I love this quote from her. She said I'm running a business and a family and I needed to work with someone who could help me balance it all. That's exactly what we did Together.
Speaker 1:Through Momentum Restart, we pulled her out of the weeds by setting up client communication protocols that gave her her life back. We rearranged her pack schedule to be more efficient and manageable so that she'd have space to launch her new business. And not only did she launch it, but this new business has actually become her main moneymaker, which has now allowed her to work less and make more money and doing the work that she's really passionate about, work that she loves, and she's really good at it too. She also had the freedom because of the space that she created by setting up those boundaries. Working on her schedule, looking at her environment, she now had the space and freedom to do the things that she'd wanted to do all along, like have a mid-week day at the beach with her kids last summer, and I'm sure she's going to do it again this summer. She was able to take the time to invest in her health, which was really important to her too. That was only possible because she took the time in Momentum Restart to consider her schedule, her boundaries and her environment.
Speaker 1:If you're listening to this podcast today, you're most likely a high achiever. You have goals, you have a team, you have new ideas, there's so much you want to make happen and your mind is always going. But before you begin your next new thing, I encourage you to pause today and use today to take an audit on your business, your boundaries, your schedule and your environment. If you look at what your boundaries, schedule and environment are first, so that you have adequate space to do the next thing really well, do it with excellence and from a place of energy and a place of peace, and you'll also have the ability to balance your work with your life and your family, which is the ultimate goal. I truly believe that we can, as women, have it all, but only if we realize we don't have to do it all. And that starts with looking at our boundaries, schedule and environment. So I'm going to walk you through what those details are today. You're also going to be seeing these because I'm creating right now, about to launch, the new momentum restart program for working moms, and it's going to help you find balance through six weeks together as we create space for you to effectively balance work and life.
Speaker 1:And this is for you moms who work from home or an office, a mom, a newer, a mom who's volunteering for first time, every one of you who has a full plate, big dreams and a desire to have it all without burning out. This is for you. We're going to be walking through that first week of the program is going to walk through your environment and specifically that's going to look like making sure that your environment is set up for growth, focus and feels good. Your office, those key areas of your house where you can float through the day instead of feeling like you're always running into something. You're going to float through the day with more ease. That's our first week.
Speaker 1:The second week we're going to look at your schedule, just like I did for this client who went through momentum restart. Before we looked, I had her pull up her schedule and show me all the meetings, and we was one by one. We're able to move things around in a way that felt more streamlined. It gave her some space. We decided what was really important to her, what she wanted back in her life, and for her, that was to have some time in the morning. So think about what it is for you. What are you missing? What do you wish you had time for? Who do you wish you had time for? Is it more time for yourself? Is it time to just as a working mom, I understand, knowing I have to have time in my day where I'm just by myself and I can think for a minute and no one's asking me a question what is it that you need? That's going to help recharge you to handle all of the amazing things you've been given. So we're going to look at your schedule and create that space for momentum.
Speaker 1:The third week we're going to lean into your goals, your goals. We're going to talk about how to set up your goals in a way that fits your capacity currently and this is a really powerful life changing tool and art that you will learn on how to set up those goals and how to adjust and not quit, like we talked about last week in the podcast when you learn how to set up goals based on your capacity and your season in life and as a mom, your seasons in life are changing all the time. As soon as you get used to one season with your kids, another one comes. And if you're getting used to a season and then all of a sudden you're an empty nester, that's a whole new area of life that you're now having to set goals in. Your capacity is always changing. So you're going to learn how to set up those goals, those things that you want Maybe it's that next project, maybe it's some personal goals or work goals and we're going to talk about how to rev up those goals in a way that fit your capacity, in a way that are going to set you up for success, and how to adjust and not quit when life happens, because it is absolutely going to.
Speaker 1:We're going to learn how to set up your week for success. The fourth week we're going to move into your mindset and this is what changes everything. We're going to talk about adjusting and not quitting and the mindset of where our expectations are on ourself, where our expectations are on others or achievements. We're going to look at our mindset and help clear away, decrease the things that are holding us back and increase the things that move us forward by having a powerful mindset of momentum, and adjust and not quit. The fifth week we're going to move into your life and this is where we get to. You know, you've set up your environment, you've set up your schedule. You've got goals you're working towards. You have really trained your mind to learn how to manage setbacks and move forward and adjust and not quit.
Speaker 1:Now you created space and on week five we ask what is the thing that you love to do outside of work? What is something that you want for yourself? And let's put that back into your life. Maybe it's adding something, maybe it's taking something away, maybe it's saying no to something. We're going to practice that. It's week five is all about you and just enjoying life and because you've found the balance, enjoying life again because you have space to be able to do those little things. I love asking this question when I'm doing 90 day plans for clients and I always ask them what's something you love to do outside of work? And I love the answers because they're all unique and different Everyone from reading a book to going on a walk, to going on date nights, to going on girls trips. It could be little, it could be big. It's what you want and your heart is yearning for. How can we add that back into your life so that you have balance?
Speaker 1:When I was reading that article that I mentioned at the beginning about the micro stresses, one of the biggest ways that you can manage those micro stresses they discovered through their research was having different areas of relationships, having more than your work, relationship and family, and then having three other areas where you're able to connect with people and that might be doing something that you love whether it's a book club or it's working out with a class, or maybe it's something else that you love to do and it's starting to expand your life actually brings you more balance, because they were able to prove that it helps you manage the other areas of your life better when you have those connections in more than one area, and preferably three to five areas. So we're going to make sure you're balancing your whole life and then we're going to tie it all together at the end with week six and we're going to talk about your brain and we have so much that we feel out of control, so much that is out of your control. But you're out in control of what your schedule is, what you say yes to, what you say no to. You're in control of how you plan your day and how much you put on expectation you put on yourself. You're in control of so much more than you realize and one of the things you are in control of is what you say to yourself. There's so much proof that our brains can, we have neuroplasticity and we can change the way we think.
Speaker 1:And one of the things that I see in working moms especially and I experienced this myself is when we set those goals, like we do in week three, we look at what our capacity is, and there's times in our lives where our capacity is really small. What I mean by that is imagine a plate. You have a dinner plate, salad plate, a bread plate, tea cup plate. You have the charger the big one underneath the dinner plate. Imagine all those different plates. And before you set up your week you look at what your capacity is and you decide which plate do I have this week and then you only put enough that fits on just that plate so it's not overflowing.
Speaker 1:When we set up goals with our capacity it can be frustrating, I understand. I remember once telling a friend, another mom, we were driving back from a girls' weekend. We were talking about life. I was heading back to work and family's a few years ago and I said I just wish my plate was bigger. I feel like everyone else's plate is bigger and mine is this tiny one inch plate and I can only handle such a little amount. And what we realized over time is that you can actually increase your capacity to be able to handle more, be able to enjoy more, be able to do the things you wanna do, be able to not have those stressors really knock us down If we are focused on taking care of our brain and our cortisol levels and inside of our body. So we're actually gonna learn how to do some biggest nerve toning, how to increase our breath work, how to really train our brain and our body to be able to handle more, because I know that you have your plate full. We're gonna clear some of those things off that plate and we're also gonna make your plate stronger because you have big things you wanna do. There is so much more that you want and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there, and I know that you can have it all once you realize you don't have to do it all and you're taking care of yourself and you have that balance.
Speaker 1:I would love to invite you, if you are a mom also balancing work, life, family to join me in this new Momentum Restart Program. It's coming out very, very soon, so I would love to get you on the wait list because you are the very first to hear and you'll get a special little treat as well. So head over to Instagram at coachamberbcom and send me the word mom and I'll get you on the list. That's at coachamber in the letter B DM me the word mom and I'll get you on the list For all the details you'll be the first to hear, plus a special treat. You can also check this out at coachamberbcom, and wherever you're at today, I want to encourage you.
Speaker 1:Whether you're walking, whether you're listening to this on the way to pick up the kids from school, or you're listening to this while you're getting things done at home, I want you to stop and put this into action right away. Once you're done with this podcast, give yourself a hot minute, whether it's one minute, two minutes, maybe it's five or an hour. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself what do I wish I had more time for, and I can't wait to hear what it is. Share with me, and I can't wait to help you get more of that in your life. Thank you for listening to this episode of Momentum Restart Podcast. I would love to hear what you think about it. What were your takeaways? What action steps do you now want to take? Dm me on Instagram at coachamberb, and let's keep this conversation going. I promise I respond to every message I get. Talk with you soon.